Judoka Nick Tritton didn't even need to compete in the final qualifier for the London Olympics this year - his points total on the world ranking list secured him a spot before those bouts ever took place. A member of the Canadian National Judo Team, he has been ranked 7th in the world in his weight category, beaten the world champion, and taken home medals from the World Cup, Pan American Games, and Grand Slams in Tokyo and Moscow.
He took a moment off the mats to talk to us about leading an active lifestyle and encouraging others to do the same.
BMP: What achievements are you most proud of?
NT: The fact that I won back to back medals at the Tokyo Grand Slam. Not a lot of people have heard of it, but for me it’s bigger than World Championships or Olympics, because each country can have more than one entry. So Japan – a Judo powerhouse – had four guys, and I won both in 2009 and 2010. Only one other Canadian has ever done that [Nick was the first], so I’m really proud of that one.
BMP: Do you think Canada’s top athletes have anything in common with the general population who want to get fit?
NT: We’re the same human beings as anyone else! Sure, there are people who are born with talent or ability in certain fields, but I truly believe that a huge part of being successful is about mindset. I wasn’t actually that good at Judo when I was younger! But I wanted it badly. I think the difference between top athletes and the general population may be that we don’t give up as easily as other people.
BMP: Are there days where you don’t feel like training? In those moments, what motivates you/what advice would you give to those who can’t seem to get motivated?
NT: Everyone has their ups and downs – any athlete who tells you they always look forward to training is lying…! For example, I’ve been plagued by injury for the past year and a half, so some days are easier than others. I think having support is key – you can’t do it on your own. Surround yourself with people who believe in you. Anyone who takes something like an Olympic medal takes it not for themselves, but for their entire team.
BMP: What are your top tips for those who want to lead a more active lifestyle but don’t know where to start?
NT: I think there are so many things in the community – the local gym, personal trainers, and adult sports leagues – things you don’t need any great skill to join.
BMP: What’s your favourite healthy snack?
NT: Surprisingly, my diet is not that strict! I tend to eat whatever’s in the refrigerator…! But I do like fruit – especially berries.
BMP: Many people are concerned that our schoolchildren are not as active as they should be – if you could implement one initiative in Canadian schools what would it be?

BMP: What for you is the number one benefit to leading an active life?
NT: Sports have made me an extremely organized person. With my life so scheduled in order to fit in training, competition, and time for my family – I really can’t be late or unorganized. So it has really made me prioritize the things that are important to me.
BMP: What’s your favourite ‘active health’ activity to do on a day off from training?
NT: I like snowboarding in the winter, but I have to always consider the time of year, upcoming competitions, and the chances of getting injured. I golf too – that’s safer!