Monday, 17 December 2012

2012 Bloomberg Manulife Prizewinner Announced

Each year the Bloomberg Manulife Prize for the Promotion of Active Health is awarded to a researcher whose work has the potential to improve levels of active health across Canada, and educate the public on fitness, exercise, and healthy lifestyle behaviours.

This year's $50,000 award goes to psychologist James Sallis, Distinguished Professor of Family & Preventive Medicine at the University of California, San Diego; his studies have shown how urban environments shape levels of physical activity, contributing to more thoughtful city planning.

Widely regarded as a leading expert on human behavior and its influence on fitness, Dr. Sallis began his career investigating how to successfully encourage individuals to incorporate physical activity into their lives. Sallis quickly realized that, although people could often be influenced to adapt their routines to include regular exercise, such changes were rarely permanent, and within six to 12 months people would revert back to their original, unhealthier habits.

This realization led Sallis to the question that would form the foundation of his acclaimed research: what are the root causes of inactivity, and how does the urban environment we live in—and in particular the layout of our cities and neighborhoods—make it easier or more difficult to stay in shape?

A worthy winner 

“The role that our physical environment plays in our ability to stay fit is one of the areas of research in the field of active health which has been completely overlooked until very recently, and so we are delighted to honour Dr. James Sallis, whose studies are having a significant impact in helping us understand this crucial link between the built environment and the barriers they present to healthy living,” said Helene Perrault, Dean of McGill’s Faculty of Education.

Dean Perrault says the jury, made up of leading academics from the field of active health, was most impressed by Sallis’s efforts to take his research findings beyond the laboratory and turn them into practical applications. For example, through the Built Environment Assessment Training (BEAT) Institute, he has helped create a free, online course that teaches researchers, policy-makers and others how to assess their local environment—including streetscapes, parks and trails— for physical activity.

Dr. Sallis has also presented his findings to legislators and other policy leaders, including members of the U.S. Congress, First Lady Michelle Obama and former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger – part of an effort to affect policy change through evidence-based research.

A renowned, world-class researcher

In addition to his academic appointment at UCSD, Dr. Sallis also serves as the director of the Active Living Research Program, funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation; he has been recognized with numerous honours and awards, including a Distinguished Service Award from the Society of Behavioral Medicine, the Vice Presidency of the American College of Sports Medicine, and a Lifetime Achievement Award from the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition.

Dr. Sallis will accept the prize at a special ceremony at the MaRS Centre in Toronto on Monday, Jan. 21, 2013, where he will also take part in a conversation about his research. This will be followed by a round table discussion on Wednesday, Jan. 23 at McGill University in Montreal, where local experts will join the prizewinner to explore the topic of the built environment and active health in greater depth.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Could a run cancel out your bad diet?

For those of you who may have missed it on our facebook page, check out this fascinating article from the New York Times health blog:

Can Exercise Protect the Brain From Fatty Foods?

In recent years, some research has suggested that a high-fat diet may be bad for the brain, at least in lab animals. Can exercise protect against such damage? That question may have particular relevance now, with the butter-and cream-laden holidays fast approaching. And it has prompted several new and important studies.
The most captivating of these, presented last month at the annual meetingof the Society for Neuroscience in New Orleans, began with scientists at the University of Minnesota teaching a group of rats to scamper from one chamber to another when they heard a musical tone, an accepted measure of the animals’ ability to learn and remember.
For the next four months, half of the rats ate normal chow. The others happily consumed a much greasier diet, consisting of at least 40 percent fat. Total calories were the same in both diets.
After four months, the animals repeated the memory test. Those on a normal diet performed about the same as they had before; their cognitive ability was the same. The high-fat eaters, though, did much worse.
Then, half of the animals in each group were given access to running wheels. Their diets didn’t change. So, some of the rats on the high-fat diet were now exercising. Some were not. Ditto for the animals eating the normal diet.
For the next seven weeks, the memory test was repeated weekly in all of the groups. During that time, the performance of the rats eating a high-fat diet continued to decline so long as they didn’t exercise.
But those animals that were running, even if they were eating lots of fat, showed notable improvements in their ability to think and remember.
After seven weeks, the animals on the high-fat diet that exercised were scoring as well on the memory test as they had at the start of the experiment.
Exercise, in other words, had “reversed the high-fat diet-induced cognitive decline,” the study’s authors concluded.
That finding echoes those of another study presented last month at the Society for Neuroscience meeting. In it, researchers at Kyoto University in Japan gathered a group of mice bred to have a predisposition to developing a rodent version of Alzheimer’s disease and its profound memory loss.
Earlier studies by the same scientists had shown that a high-fat diet exacerbated the animals’ progression to full-blown dementia, and that both a low-fat diet and exercise slowed the animals’ mental decline.
But it hadn’t been clear in these earlier experiments which was more effective at halting the loss of memory, a leaner diet or regular rodent workouts.
So the scientists set out now to tease out the effects of each intervention by first feeding all of their mice a high-fat diet for 10 weeks, then switching some of them to low-fat kibble, while moving others to cages equipped with running wheels.
A third group began both a low-fat diet and an exercise routine, while the remainder of the mice continued to eat the high-fat diet and didn’t exercise.
After an additional 10 weeks, this last group, the animals that ate lots of fat and lounged around their cages, had developed far more deposits of the particular brain plaques associated with Alzheimer’s disease than the other mice. They also performed much more poorly on memory tests.
The mice that had been switched to a low-fat diet had fewer plaques and better memories than the control group.
But the mice that were exercising had even healthier brains and better memory scores than the low-fat group — even if they had remained on a high-fat diet. In other words, exercise was “more effective than diet control in preventing high-fat diet-induced Alzheimer’s disease development,” the authors write.
Just why high-fat diets might affect the brain and how exercise undoes the damage is not yet clear. “Our research suggests that free fatty acids” from high-fat foods may actually infiltrate the brain, says Vijayakumar Mavanji, a research scientist at the Minnesota VA Medical Center at the University of Minnesota, who, with his colleagues Catherine M. Kotz, Dr. Charles J. Billington, and Dr. Chuan Feng Wang, conducted the rat study. The fatty acids may then jump-start a process that leads to cellular damage in portions of the brain that control memory and learning, he says.
Exercise, on the other hand, seems to stimulate the production of specific biochemical substances in the brain that fight that process, he says.
In the Japanese study, for instance, the brains of the exercised animals teemed with high levels of an enzyme that is known to degrade the plaques associated with Alzheimer’s disease.
Of course, lab animals are not people, Dr. Mavanji cautions, and it’s not known if exercise might protect our brains in the same manner as it does in mice and rats.
Still, he says, there’s enough accumulating evidence about the potential cognitive risks of high-fat foods and the countervailing benefits from physical activity to recommend that “people exercise moderately,” he says, particularly during periods of repeated exposure to alluring, fatty holiday buffets.
The amount of exercise required to potentially protect our brains from the possible depredations of marbled beef and cheesecake isn’t excessive, after all, he continues. His rats were running for the human equivalent of about a daily 30-minute jog. So if you can’t walk away from the buffet table, be sure to at least take a walk afterward.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Could 2.5 mins of exercise make a difference?

Let's start off with a simple question: how many sit-ups could you do in 2.5 minutes? 30? 40? Imagine if you did this every morning - would it make a difference? Absolutely, says recent research. 

One of the top turn-offs for many people who want to get in better shape is "time", but in a new study, researchers show that exercisers can burn as many as 200 extra calories in as little as 2.5 minutes of concentrated effort a day—as long as they intersperse longer periods of easy recovery in a practice known as sprint interval training.

The finding could make exercise more manageable for would-be fitness buffs by cramming truly intense efforts into very short time persiods. The team at Colorado State University and University of Colorado Anschultz Medical Campus, compared volunteers’ energy expenditures on two different days, one in which they performed a sprint interval workout on a stationary bicycle. Their results showed a marked uptick in the amount of calories the volunteers burned on the workout day, despite the short amount of time spent in actual hard exercise.

Their presentation entitled, “A Single Session of Sprint Interval Training Increases Total Daily Energy Expenditure,” is being discussed this week at The Integrative Biology of Exercise VI meeting in Westminster, Colorado. This popular meeting is a collaborative effort between the American Physiological Society, the American College of Sports Medicine and the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology.

Study leader Kyle Sevits notes that despite exercise’s numerous documented benefits, few people hit the U.S. government’s recommendations of 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week. “Research shows that many people start an exercise program but just can’t keep it up,” Sevits says. “The biggest factor people quote is that they don’t have the time to fit in exercise. We hope if exercise can be fit into a smaller period of time, then they may give exercise a go and stick with it.”

Though other studies have shown that sprint interval training can markedly improve fitness and athletic performance, little was known about how this type of exercise affects energy expenditure, a factor that motivates many people to exercise.

To determine how many calories a typical sprint interval training workout might burn, Sevits and his colleagues recruited five healthy male volunteers, all between the ages of 25 and 31 years old. These volunteers made an initial visit to Colorado State University in which they performed an exercise stress test to make sure their hearts were healthy enough to participate. The researchers also analyzed the volunteers’ body compositions and their resting metabolic rates.

Over the next three days, the volunteers ate a diet precisely calibrated to meet their metabolic needs so that they’d be in “energy balance,” Sevits explains, with just enough calories so they weren’t over- or under-eating. At the end of those three days, the men then checked in to a research facility at the University of Colorado Anschultz Medical Campus that was outfitted much like a typical hospital room. However, this room was completely enclosed, with air intake and exhaust regulated and equipment installed to analyze oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water content. Based on the results of this analysis, the researchers could determine how many calories the volunteers burned while each stayed in the room.

For two days, each volunteer lived in the room, continuing to eat the prescribed diet and spending the majority of their time in sedentary activities, such as watching movies or using a computer. However, on one of the days, they engaged in a sprint interval workout that involved pedaling as fast as possible on a stationary bicycle in the room that was set at a high resistance for five 30-second periods, each separated by four-minute periods of recovery in which they pedaled slowly with very little resistance. During the intense, 30-second bouts, the researchers coached the volunteers over an intercom system, encouraging them to give 100 percent effort.

Analyzing results from the room calorimeter system showed that the volunteers burned an average of an extra 200 calories on the sprint interval workout day, despite spending just 2.5 minutes engaged in hard exercise. Though the researchers can’t yet speculate on whether such efforts could translate into weight loss, Sevits and his colleagues suggest that engaging in intense, but brief, bursts of exercise could aid in weight maintenance. “Burning an extra 200 calories from these exercises a couple of times a week can help keep away that pound or two that many Americans gain each year,” Sevits says.

However, maintaining the maximum effort needed to exercise at peak intensity over the 30-second sprints could prove tricky for many people to maintain on their own without help, Sevits warns. “Motivating yourself can be very hard,” he says. “The way this could work in the real world is with the guidance of a personal trainer.”

Friday, 31 August 2012

Exercise oficially extends life

Following a healthy lifestyle can lead to a longer life, even among people who are already well into their 70s, new research shows.

Getting regular exercise, staying engaged with friends and family, and abstaining from smoking were all associated with longer life in a study that followed people in their mid-70s and older for close to two decades.

These healthy traits apparently added, on average, five years to women’s lives and six years to men’s.
The study is among the first to identify specific lifestyle behaviors associated with longer life, even among people with chronic health problems and those over the age of 80, researchers say.

“Our results suggest that encouraging favorable lifestyle behaviors even at advanced ages may enhance life expectancy,” concluded the researchers from Sweden’s Karolinska Institute and Stockholm University.

The study, published in the journal BMJ, included about 1,800 people who were followed for 18 years from the mid-1980s.

Everyone in the study was 75 years old or older at enrollment, and 9 out of 10 (92%) died during the follow-up. Half lived for 90 years or longer, with women being more likely to survive to this age than men. Those who lived longer were also more likely to be highly educated, participate in physical and non-physical leisure activities, have rich social networks, and engage in regular exercise.

Physical activity was the single biggest predictor of longevity. People who regularly swam, walked, or performed other exercise lived an average of two years longer than people who did not. Longevity in former smokers was similar to that of people who had never smoked, but 4 out of 5 former smokers quit between 15 and 35 years before entering the study.

People with the healthiest lifestyles lived an average of 5.4 years longer than those with the least healthy lifestyles. Even among people over the age of 85 and those with chronic health conditions, a healthy lifestyle appeared to prolong life by four years. The study did not include information on diet, so it is unclear how healthy and unhealthy eating behaviors affected life span.

The researchers also didn't know lifestyle behaviors prior to old age. Despite these limitations, Gisele Wolf-Klein, MD, says the findings add to the evidence that it is never too late to improve health and prolong life.
Wolf-Klein is director of geriatric education for the North Shore-LIJ Health System in New Hyde Park, N.Y.

“It has been known for a long time that adjusting lifestyle behaviors at any age can be beneficial in terms of health and survival,” she says. She cites as an example her mentor in geriatric medicine who was a smoker until he had a massive heart attack in his mid-70s. “He gave up smoking ‘cold turkey’ after that and began exercising on a stationary bicycle 30 minutes every day,” she says. “He is still doing it at the age of 94.”

Thursday, 23 August 2012

30 mins of Exercise a day as good as 60, in some cases.

A new study at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark has found that sedentary, slightly overweight healthy young men, who worked up a sweat exercising 30 minutes daily for three months, lost a similar amount of weight and body fat as those who did 60 minutes of daily exercise.

The researchers describe the findings of their randomized controlled trial in a study reported online recently in the American Journal of Physiology.

The researchers suggest one reason for the surprising result is that the exercise felt "doable" for the participants in the 30 minutes a day group, who even felt afterwards that they could have done more. In contrast, the 60 minutes a day group probably compensated by eating more, therefore losing less weight than expected.

This second point would fit in with the results of previous research that the researchers point to in their background information. This suggests that the reason exercise often produces a disappointing amount of weight loss is because a diet-induced negative energy balance (where calories consumed aren't enough to cover daily energy needs) often triggers "compensatory mechanisms", such as lower metabolic rate and increased appetite.

Perhaps 60 minutes of exercise results in more overcompensation than 30 minutes. On average, the men who exercised 30 minutes a day lost 3.6 kg in three months, and those who exercised 60 minutes a day lost 2.7 kg. The reduction in body fat was about 4 kg for both groups.

The result is significant because 40% of Danish men are thought to be moderately overweight. Overcoming barriers to exercise in a group that does none at all should be easier if the aim is to attain 30 minutes a day than 60 minutes a day.

The study is part of an interdisciplinary trial called FINE, a Danish acronym for physical activity for a long healthy life, which has generated strong data in a group of 60 or so participants.

For the study, the researchers randomly assigned each of 62 healthy, sedentary, moderately overweight young men to one of three groups: a high exercise group (burning about 600 kcal per day with about 60 minutes of aerobic exercise), a moderate exercise group (300 kcal per day, 30 minutes exercise), and a control group that continued to be sedentary.

They monitored the men as they followed their program for 13 weeks.The participants trained every day through the study period. The training sessions were planned to produce a light sweat, but the participants were also instructed to increase the intensity three times a week.

The results showed that body weight went down by 2.7 kg in the high exercise group, and 3.6 kg in the moderate exercise group. Fat mass went down by 4.0 kg and 3.8 kg respectively.

Monday, 16 July 2012

Olympic Athlete Interview: Julia Wilkinson

Photo: Julian Finney/Getty Images
Swimmer Julia Wilkinson has exactly 11 days to go before her first race at the London Olympic Games. No stranger to the international stage, the Stratford, Ontario native represented Canada at the 2008 Games in Beijing, where she  broke the Canadian record in the semi-final of the 200-meter individual medley and finished seventh in the final. She has represented Canada at the Wold Championships and the Commonwealth Games, as well as numerous national and international competitions. We stole a few minutes from her busy schedule to talk motivation, active kids, and yoga!

BMP: What achievements are you most proud of?
JW: Representing Canada at the Olympic Games. Even though I want to do much more than just "be there", there is no better feeling in the world than having the opportunity to represent your country at the Olympics. It's something that so many athletes dream of but so few are lucky enough to experience.

BMP: Do you think Canada’s top athletes have anything in common with the general population who want to get fit?
JW: The general population who want to get fit share something with top athletes: they want something out of exercise. We want to win. They want to get fit! It's all about having a goal, because that is where all your motivation stems from.

Photo: Paul Chiasson/Canadian Press
BMP: Are there days where you don’t feel like training? In those moments, what motivates you/what advice would you give to those who can’t seem to get motivated?
JW: Of course there are days when I don't feel like training, for any number of reasons: I am too sore or tired from my previous workout, I am distracted by other fun or stressful activities, or I just simply "am not in the mood". My goal is the first thing that keeps me going: winning an Olympic medal is incredibly hard to do, and there are lots of people you have to beat. People who are training. I try to imagine what they are doing in that moment, and that gets me out of bed fast! Also, I always know that I will feel better after I am done working out, because the guilt I will feel from not working out is significantly worse than any pain I will feel during a workout. Plus, hard exercise releases endorphins! If you are feeling like crap before you go to the gym, you will feel better after. You just need to remind yourself of that.
BMP: What are your top tips for those who want to lead a more active lifestyle but don’t know where to start?
JW: I tell people what I always tell my mom: the first workout is always the worst! Don't fall into a pattern of working out once, thinking it's "too hard", and then not going back again for another month. You will just keep repeating "workout number one", and trust me, nothing is worse than workout number one. The first time I get in the pool after a week off, every stroke is a struggle. But you have to get through it, and you will find your rhythm. You don't need to start off like a crazy person--you will burn out--but make a realistic goal about going to the gym and sticking to it. Say you will do at least forty-five minutes three times per week for a month. Then assess if you "like" working out. I think you will want to keep doing it.
BMP: What’s your favourite healthy snack?
JW: I love granola with plain yogurt and fresh berries. Sometimes I splurge and buy the freshly made, albeit super expensive, granola. This snack is great for before or after training: carbs to keep you going, protein to replenish your muscles, and antioxidants in the berries!

Photo: Deanna McCollum

BMP: Many people are concerned that our schoolchildren are not as active as they should be – if you could implement one initiative in Canadian schools what would it be?
JW: Kids should have physical education every single day in school. I can almost hear people gasping at this, but they should. Phys. Ed has been slashed year after year and now the kids are barely doing it at all (my mom is an 8th grade teacher in Ontario). Also, we have become so concerned that kids will feel "bad" about themselves if they are forced to do exercise and aren't good at it. Well, I was forced to do math, and I am not good at math. You can only get better at something if you are coached (or taught) and practice. Basketball is not all that different from math, at the end of the day: some people will be naturally gifted at it, some will have to work hard and will still never score a basket. But no one will get better if they refuse to participate! And, as someone with a degree in communication, math really doesn't play a huge role in my life (other than counting how many lengths I have to do) but exercise is something that affects everyone! Why would you take out a course that builds a foundation for a child's healthy life? Kids aren't born sedentary, they learn laziness. We can stop it before it starts.
BMP: What for you is the number one benefit to leading an active life?
JW: Obviously, leading an active life equals leading a healthy life, that is a given. But for me, being an athlete has been huge for my self-esteem, and that is something that is always in jeopardy for young kids, especially girls. Watching yourself improve and achieving a goal in sport - whether it is making the high school team or the Olympic team - spills over into the rest of your life. I believe I can do anything if I really want to, and it's because of what sport has taught me. 
BMP: What’s your favourite ‘active health’ activity to do on a day off from training?
JW: Yoga! I would do yoga every day if I had time! I used to hate it, because I was so bad at it, but then I stopped measuring myself against others and only against myself. I always feel much better after I have some one-on-one time with my yoga mat.

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Olympic Athlete Interview: Nikola Girke

There have been a fair number of world class athletes who have competed in two Olympic Games, but very few who have done so in two different sports. At the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, West Vancouver native Nikola Girke represented Canada crewing on the two person 470 sailboat, finishing 13th.The following year, this multi-talented athlete switched to RS:X windsurfing, launching another — yet completely different — Olympic campaign for Beijing 2008. A respectable 17th place finish at those Games inspired Nikola to continue in pursuit of bringing home an Olympic Medal for Canada this summer. Nikola has competed in World Championships, Pan American Games, and European Championships alongside competitors who have been windsurfing for decades. She is the sole Canadian representative at the London 2012 Olympic Games in women's windsurfing, and the perfect inspiration for those of us who would love to master even one activity!

BMP: What achievements are you most proud of?
NG: I am most proud of having switched Olympic sports from being a crew on the double handed 470 sailboat dinghy in Athens 2004 to competing in windsurfing at the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.  To make that switch was incredibly daunting and a lot of hard work. Since Beijing, I’ve been relentless in my training and am a medal contender for the London 2012 Games.
BMP: Do you think Canada’s top athletes have anything in common with the general population who want to get fit?
NG: Yes, absolutely, we all are capable of getting fit. We all have goals and we make choices on how to achieve these goals. Athletes are probably tougher on themselves, disciplining themselves to endure when others wouldn’t. I like the quote by Lou Holtz: "Ability is what you are capable of. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it."

BMP: Are there days where you don’t feel like training? In those moments, what motivates you/what advice would you give to those who can’t seem to get motivated?
NG: I am human after all…so that goes without saying – I don’t feel like training all the time. Training on the water when it’s cold and raining is miserable at best, so getting out of the house is half the battle. Set a time - being accountable to someone like a friend/training partner/coach or a schedule you post on your fridge is key, and know that the sooner you do it…the sooner it’s over with. Knowing how good I’ll feel after and knowing that I will have outworked my competition are all motivating factors too.

Photo by Mike Wakefield
 BMP: What are your top tips for those who want to lead a more active lifestyle but don’t know where to start?
NG: Set goals, short – medium and long term goals that are measurable and realistic so you can achieve success. Start off with a few times per week and progress from there, you want to build into a routine, not destroy yourself by leaping straight into it. And most importantly you’ve got to enjoy yourself. Pick activities that you enjoy and do them with friends.  
BMP: Many people are concerned that our schoolchildren are not as active as they should be – if you could implement one initiative in Canadian schools what would it be?
NG: I think it’s really important for kids these days to be active everyday. Each school day should include physical education, centered around healthy eating and exercise that is fun. If kids have fun, they’ll be more likely to do it in their own time too rather than turning to all the sedentary distractions like TV, video games etc. that are available.

BMP: What for you is the number one benefit to leading an active life?
NG: I like feeling fit and being healthy, and the bonus…the more active I am, the more energy I have.

BMP: What’s your favourite healthy snack?
NG: Sugar Snap Peas and all berries… but not together!

BMP:  What’s your favourite ‘active health’ activity to do on a day off from training?
NG: Days off are tough – they are supposed to be solely for recovery, however, I’m not good with just lazing around all day. If I’m near a surfing spot … I’d go surfing. Going for an easy hike, a nice walk or a bike ride with friends is a great way to get outside and move, which also helps recovery.

Follow Nikola's progress on facebook, twitter, and her website

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Olympic Athlete Interview: Nick Tritton

Judoka Nick Tritton didn't even need to compete in the final qualifier for the London Olympics this year - his points total on the world ranking list secured him a spot before those bouts ever took place. A member of the Canadian National Judo Team, he has been ranked 7th in the world in his weight category, beaten the world champion, and taken home medals from the World Cup, Pan American Games, and Grand Slams in Tokyo and Moscow.
He took a moment off the mats to talk to us about leading an active lifestyle and encouraging others to do the same.

BMP: What achievements are you most proud of?
NT: The fact that I won back to back medals at the Tokyo Grand Slam. Not a lot of people have heard of it, but for me it’s bigger than World Championships or Olympics, because each country can have more than one entry. So Japan – a Judo powerhouse – had four guys, and I won both in 2009 and 2010. Only one other Canadian has ever done that [Nick was the first], so I’m really proud of that one.
BMP: Do you think Canada’s top athletes have anything in common with the general population who want to get fit?
NT: We’re the same human beings as anyone else! Sure, there are people who are born with talent or ability in certain fields, but I truly believe that a huge part of being successful is about mindset. I wasn’t actually that good at Judo when I was younger! But I wanted it badly. I think the difference between top athletes and the general population may be that we don’t give up as easily as other people.
BMP: Are there days where you don’t feel like training? In those moments, what motivates you/what advice would you give to those who can’t seem to get motivated?
NT: Everyone has their ups and downs – any athlete who tells you they always look forward to training is lying…! For example, I’ve been plagued by injury for the past year and a half, so some days are easier than others. I think having support is key – you can’t do it on your own. Surround yourself with people who believe in you. Anyone who takes something like an Olympic medal takes it not for themselves, but for their entire team.
BMP: What are your top tips for those who want to lead a more active lifestyle but don’t know where to start?
NT: I think there are so many things in the community – the local gym, personal trainers, and adult sports leagues – things you don’t need any great skill to join.
BMP: What’s your favourite healthy snack?
NT: Surprisingly, my diet is not that strict! I tend to eat whatever’s in the refrigerator…! But I do like fruit – especially berries.
BMP: Many people are concerned that our schoolchildren are not as active as they should be – if you could implement one initiative in Canadian schools what would it be?
NT: After-school sports – it’s really sad that in a lot of places in Canada these are only available at the private schools. I hear a lot about the government struggling with mounting healthcare costs – well, pump money into sports for six and seven year-olds and we won’t have those costs in the long run.
BMP: What for you is the number one benefit to leading an active life?
NT: Sports have made me an extremely organized person. With my life so scheduled in order to fit in training, competition, and time for my family – I really can’t be late or unorganized. So it has really made me prioritize the things that are important to me.
BMP: What’s your favourite ‘active health’ activity to do on a day off from training?
NT: I like snowboarding in the winter, but I have to always consider the time of year, upcoming competitions, and the chances of getting injured. I golf too – that’s safer!

Monday, 4 June 2012

Olympic Athlete Interview: François-Louis Tremblay

One of just two Canadian men to win five Winter Olympic medals - two in one night at the Vancouver 2012 games - François-Louis Tremblay is a speed skater who has proven that determination and talent combined can be a force to be reckoned with. Excelling in both individual and relay short-track events, Tremblay has also taken home gold from World Championships and World Cups - not surprising for someone who started speed-skating at the age of four!
He took on our BMP questionnaire last week and has plenty of inspiration that will get you up and active, even if it's in warmer conditions than an ice rink!
BMP: What achievements are you most proud of?
FLT: Obviously I am very proud of my five Olympic medals - any Olympic race is really a career highlight. But what I'm really proud of is the fact that I took a two year break from competing at the top level and then came back - no one's ever done that before. Once you drop down, there are people who don't believe you'll ever be a champion again, so proving those people wrong and showing the world I could do it was as good as a gold medal.
BMP: Do you think Canada’s top athletes have anything in common with the general population who want to get fit?
FLT: I believe that anyone can be sucessful in sport. For me it all started because I wanted to do something fun. I think if you keep holding onto that sense of fun you can achieve anything.
BMP: Are there days where you don’t feel like training? In those moments, what motivates you/What advice would you give to those who can’t seem to get motivated?
FLT: I think that the key is to think long term, about the pleasure of achieving what you've been working towards. Think of the satisfaction you'll feel at the end. For me, that feeling is incomparable - it's like a drug.
BMP: What are your top tips for those who want to lead a more active lifestyle but don’t know where to start?
FLT: Keep it simple in the beginning. Travel around on foot, or by bike. Get rid of the car for a while, you'll soon realise that the city is not that big. I would advise people who are having a hard time with motivation to avoid the gym, because it often feels like a chore, or a duty. Machines are not made to be fun. Get outside, that's really important.
BMP: What’s your favourite healthy snack?
FLT: I really like yogurt with cereal and strawberries.
BMP: Many people are concerned that our schoolchildren are not as active as they should be – if you could implement one initiative in Canadian schools what would it be?
FLT: I think that there should be more competitions. I have very strong memories of sporting competitions when I was in grade four. They motivate you to push yourself and beat people - we all have a natural competitive side. 'Play time' once per week can become boring - make kids compete and we'll see them take pleasure in being active.
BMP: What for you is the number one benefit to leading an active life?
FLT: I really see the difference physically - compared to friends my age who are not active. It gives you energy, keeps you going, and keeps you young.
Photo: Jimmy Francour
BMP: What’s your favourite ‘active health’ activity to do on a day off from training?
FLT: Often when I have a day off it really has to be a day off, so I can recover. But like a lot of athletes, I do love surfing - it's a great workout and it's a lot of fun.

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Olympic Athlete Interview: Caroline Calvé

Caro Calvé on the slopes (Pictures by Olivier Krauss)

Caro Calvé is truly an inspiration. A latecomer to snowboarding, she has taken the sport by storm over the past four years, as a top ten finisher in three World Championships, a two-season Canadian Champion, and a competitor at the 2010 winter Olympics in Vancouver. Her breathtaking career highlight came in December of last year, when she became the first Canadian female to take home a snowboarding World Cup. A native of Aylmer, Quebec, Caro is beautiful, smart, extremely articulate, and best of all, full of great advice for those of us who want to get moving - we couldn't ask for a better role model!  

BMP: What achievements are you most proud of?

CC: I didn’t take up snowboarding until I was 22, and nine years later I was competing at the Olympics. Before that, I was a skier, but I was very intimidated by competition. I’m proud that I took that leap, even though snowboarding was a very young sport. I am also very proud of winning the World Cup, as it is something that had never been done by a Canadian woman in that discipline.

BMP: Do you think Canada’s top athletes have anything in common with the general population who want to get fit?

CC: Athletes are all normal people! The reason we achieve what we do is that we are determined, the same as someone who, for example, earns a doctorate degree. It’s just that our goals are very physical. But it’s just like achieving anything else – I’m a strong believer that if you want something badly enough, you can get it.

 BMP: Are there days where you don’t feel like training? In those moments, what motivates you/what advice would you give to those who can’t seem to get motivated?

CC: Believe me, there are lots of times when I don’t feel like training, especially in the activities that are harder for me, like sprinting. What I’ve realized though, is that I’m most satisfied and proud when I do the things I hate doing – when I push myself harder it creates a feeling of confidence and self-assurance. I think it’s really important to challenge yourself and to try to achieve that. The harder you push, the more you get out of it. My advice is – when it’s hard and you don’t feel like it, stop looking at the big picture and think about the small steps. When you don’t feel like going for a run, just get dressed. Then go outside. Then start walking. Focus on the process.

BMP: What are your top tips for those who want to lead a more active lifestyle but don’t know where to start?

CC: My advice would be to start with things that are easy to do near where you live. Go for a long walk, then try speed walking. Concentrate on small, obtainable goals that are convenient. Also, involve people around you – that’s such a great motivator.

BMP: What’s your favourite healthy snack?

CC: I really like to eat fruits, and they fill me up and offer the vitamins I need. I also love to bake, so I’ll try to find healthier versions of the recipes I love. I make a great banana cake that has very little sugar and fat – with yogurt, bio six-grain flour, dark chocolate and nuts. 

BMP: Many people are concerned that our schoolchildren are not as active as they should be – if you could implement one initiative in Canadian schools what would it be?

Caro Calvé (Picture by Claude Brazeau)
I think kids should have a minimum of one hour a day allocated to exercise. Give them play time and they will normally run around of their own accord.

BMP: What for you is the number one benefit to leading an active life?

CC: It keeps me sane! The benefits for me are much more than physical. It clears my mind, gives me energy, and makes me more confident, self-assured and proud of myself.

BMP: What’s your favourite ‘active health’ activity to do on a day off from training?

I have a dog, so I’m often out walking. I also like mountain biking – I don’t see it as training because it’s fun. Mainly, I love doing things with the people I love to be around.

Monday, 14 May 2012

Olympic Athlete Interview: Nate Brannen

Nate Brannen, centre, representing Canada at the Beijing Olympics, 2008
Runner Nate Brannen broke the four-minute mile barrier when he was still in high school in Cambridge, Ontario - one of just seven athletes in North America ever to do so. Since then, Nate has smashed numerous records on the professional circuit, and has represented his country at the Beijing Olympics, Commonwealth Games, and World Track and Field Championships. He has his eye on the podium in London this summer, and is currently training hard for the Canadian Olympic Trials, which happen June 27-30 in Calgary.
BMP:  What achievements are you most proud of?
NB: The fact that I was a Silver Medalist at the 2006 Commonwealth Games, 1500m, and that I am a 2008 Olympian, 1500m

BMP:  Do you think Canada’s top athletes have anything in common with the general population who want to get fit?
NB: Yes, both have the ability to get fit but it’s those who take the initiative to do something about their situation that accomplish their goals.

BMP: Are there days where you don’t feel like training? In those moments, what motivates you/what advice would you give to those who can’t seem to get motivated?
NB: Sure, but I have very strong goals for myself and I know that I will never achieve them by sitting on my butt and not getting out there and training. The best advice I could give is that you can’t focus only on the process but think about the final goal. No one ever said achieving your goals would be easy but most can say that the outcome was well worth the hard work and dedication it took to get there.

BMP:  What are your top tips for those who want to lead a more active lifestyle but don’t know where to start?
NB: One major tip is goal setting. I try to tell people to set current goals, yearly goals and future goals. This way you are always able to reach a goal but also have something to strive for at the end. Some people tend to set their goals too high which makes them unachievable, so they give up in the process.

BMP: What’s your favourite healthy snack?
NB: My favourite healthy snack is quinoa with garbanzo beans, tomato, feta cheese, a small amount of olive oil and a pinch of salt.

BMP: Many people are concerned that our schoolchildren are not as active as they should be – if you could implement one initiative in Canadian schools what would it be?
NB: Healthier snack options at school and emphasis on physical education and how fun it is instead of making it something kids come to dislike because of testing.

BMP:  What for you is the number one benefit to leading an active life?
NB: Feeling healthy - simple as that.
BMP: What’s your favourite ‘active health’ activity to do on a day off from training?
NB: Unfortunately in training season, a day off is exactly that, a complete day off from any activity. This gives my body a chance to recover from the stress I place on it day in and day out. I live a very active lifestyle. outside of running I enjoy walks, mountain biking, cross-country skiing, basically anything that is active and gets me out of the house.